Monday, August 18, 2014

The Rune Alexander Series Book 3 (Strange Trouble)[SBM Review]

Strange Trouble 

A baby necromancer calls her mother from the grave, starting a zombie infestation Rune and the crew are not prepared to handle.

But as always, they jump headlong into battle--a battle that will lead into some of the darkest moments of Rune's life. Moments that will shatter her tenuous grip on sanity and make her long for the man whose abuse allowed her to function.

And when she falls, the berserker is there to catch her. To bring her back. To give her what she needs.

The zombies are just the beginning. Worse even than the zombies is what comes after--a nightmare witch named Damascus, a horrific decision, and death.

Always, death.

As she is given another jagged piece to the puzzle of her past, Rune knows that despite its best attempts, life doesn't have the ability to destroy her--though she offers it all the help it might need.

With Strad Matheson and the crew behind her, Rune will stride through hell, horror, and the endless, black despair of her own mind to show the monsters why Shiv Crew is the scariest group of warriors they will ever face...

This has become my favorite book of the series so far. Just like the other books in the series the book started out with action and never let up! I actually cried while reading this book. Ellie just stole my heart and I am so hoping he gets everything he wants he so deserves it!! Shiv Crew goes through so many emotions in this one. I was exhausted for them!! OMG and the ending, well you know I'm not going to tell you the ending. What I can say is if you're not totally obsessed with the Shiv Crew like I am you will be after you read this!!

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