Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Experiencers by Val Tobin [SBM Reivew]

The Experiencers

A black ops assassin atones for his brutal past by trying to help an alien abductee escape her fate. 

Agency black ops assassin, Michael Valiant, deals death without question. He knows it’s all in the name of duty and the fight against terror, particularly at a time when the earth is as close as it’s ever been to self-destructing. But when his orders include silencing members of a UFO group who look less like terrorists and more like housewives and UFO buffs, he decides to do some digging. 

His curiosity arouses the ire of Jim Cornell, his boss, and Gerry Muniz, his partner, who warn Michael that his actions are putting him in danger. When Michael’s wife dies in what appears to be a traffic accident, Michael, with Gerry’s help and support, pushes aside his doubts and immerses himself in the jobs he needs to complete. 

Psychic medium, Carolyn Fairchild, is happy and contented, living in a nice home in Newmarket, Ontario, with her husband and daughter. All Carolyn wants is to live in peaceful obscurity. Unbeknownst to her, the UFO group she belongs to has made it onto the Agency’s hit list. When, one by one, the members in their group die or disappear, Carolyn grows desperate. 

Ordered to kidnap Carolyn and turn her over to the Agency, Michael confronts Carolyn in her home, ready to complete his assignment. But when Carolyn connects to Michael's dead wife and reveals to him the truth behind her death, Carolyn forces him to choose between saving himself and doing what's right. 

Unaware that they are repeating a pattern enacted over many lifetimes, Michael and Carolyn must find a way to break the cycle, or continue playing it out in lifetimes to come.

This was an exciting read. It kept me on my edge of my seat. I love a good paranormal read and I'm glad I didn't miss out on this one. I loved having back story on the characters. I like having an idea of why they react in the way they do in situations. I hope to read more from Tobin.

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